Previse Systems AG


Previse Systems AG
Loretohöhe 32
6300 Zug


Authorised Representatives

Asbjørn Hansen, CEO
Martin Steeger, Head of Product Management
Birgit Rauch-Zumbrägel, Head of Admin & Finance
Marc Zumstein, Business Development & Communications

Data Protection Officer

Priverion LLC, Dr. Dominic Staiger

Commercial Registry

Registered Company Name: Previse Systems AG
Commercial Registry Nr.: CHE-161.828.098


CHE-161.828.098 MWST

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The information presented on this website and any links provided are exclusively for the information of website visitors. Previse Systems AG does not guarantee the accuracy, up-to-dateness or completeness of the information shown on this website. Previse Systems AG excludes any and all liability for any damages which may arise from the use of this website and the information contained therein. This website may contain links to websites of 3rd parties (“external links”). These websites are solely the responsibility of their respective operators. At the point in time when the links were inserted, Previse Systems AG did not recognise any infringements of the law. Should at any point an infringement of the law become known to Previse Systems AG, the link in question will immediately be removed. Adding external links does not imply in any way that Previse Systems AG is claiming that their content as its own. This also applies to any links and advertising material (text ads or banners) as shown on these external websites.

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Data protection
Detailed information about the handling of personal data of visitors to this website is explained in the Privacy Policy of Previse Systems AG.

Questions on the Disclaimer
In case of any questions concerning this disclaimer, Previse Systems AG will be glad to answer them. Please direct your questions to the indicated contact address.