
Previse Coral

Previse Coral is a uniquely designed Energy Trade and Risk Management (ETRM) system – a fully cloud-native Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) built on the latest technology. Previse Coral stands for highly performant valuation and reporting, combining external (market-facing) trades with internal trades, production/consumption forecasts as well as market prices.

Using in-cache reporting for superior performance, Previse Coral calculates mark-to-market, profit & loss as well as exposures, and also includes robust management of limits and market conformity. Previse Coral utilizes the standardized master data repository in ChorusLink, updating automatically when new master data becomes available.

The valuation and reporting engine is designed for classical end of day reports as well as real-time valuations – the latter employs data aggregation to avoid wasting resources on revaluing positions that have not changed.

Whether portfolio-relevant changes arrive in terms of prices or position changes, the engine automatically generates delta time series and pushes these to any subscribing reports converted to the currency and unit of the report.

The Previse Coral approach serves as the valuation and reporting basis and provides more accurate and timely visibility of positions than otherwise available in today’s marketplace.

Previse Coral Technology

Previse Coral is developed using .Net Core, microservices and Azure functions (serverless computing); it is optimised for performance and designed for granularities down to 1 minute.

Previse Coral is delivered as subscription-based Software as a Service (SaaS), hosted in Microsoft’s Azure cloud, with continuous delivery and release management down to microservice level. It includes with built-in automated testing – i.e. entirely avoiding any future (traditional) upgrades of the solution.

The design ensures that the solution is state of the art, flexible and extremely low-cost for companies to deploy and maintain. In addition, it simplifies the IT landscape and the related cost of ownership significantly.

Coral Ecosystem

The Coral Ecosystem complements Previse Coral with an app-store-like platform to add custom or reusable functionality to the software. The Ecosystem allows Previse Systems, Coral customers, or 3rd parties (e.g. software developers or consulting companies) to develop, publish, and resell Apps to add specific functionality to Previse Coral. The design ensures that the Apps are seamlessly available as part of the overall solution. The Ecosystem also allows Coral customers to resell Apps they have built to other companies to share development and maintenance costs, and also to build and maintain Private Apps, if the functionality is deemed proprietary or sensitive from a competitive point of view.

A core benefit of the Coral Ecosystem lies in its facilitating distributed development, removing the bottleneck of a single development department responsible not only for new software production but also for supporting (typically various versions of) software.

External developers of Apps deliver standardized functionality (e.g. interfaces) that can be used across multiple customers ensuring speed and cost efficiency. The Ecosystem ensures that any enhancements are automatically deployed to all customers ensuring that they always have the latest version of the App.

By offering off-the-shelf Apps that are already tested and deployed for other customers, the Coral Ecosystem delivers a unique advantage for Coral customers by minimizing their time to market. The Coral Ecosystem also caters for the following processes:

App Development Partners have access to development and test environments as well as extended API documentation and tools, allowing them to develop Apps most efficiently. Previse conducts code reviews and performs quality checks for Apps that will be made available for resale on the Ecosystem.

  • App Purchasing: companies can buy available Apps directly from certified vendors via the Ecosystem. As Apps have a limited lock-in period, the quality/price relation is warranted – customers can easily test alternative Apps and switch to these, if their proposition is seen as superior.
  • App Commissioning: companies can contract with a development partner for the bespoke delivery of specific functionality in the form of an App.