Intern Insights: The Previse Experience

Interns at Previse: Where Creativity and Fresh Perspectives Thrive


Picture this: a place where nighttime mountain runs are a standard team building exercise, and being greeted with a river float on a plastic pineapple is the norm.

Welcome to Previse Systems—a world where interns are far from mere coffee fetchers. They’re a vital part of transforming the energy sector, bringing fresh energy and creativity to the team.

Let’s dive into the world of our interns: Mariia, Elina and Mart in Product Management and Linda in Marketing

Mart, who came to Previse from supporting chefs and early IT jobs, brings a special blend of expertise to Previse as a Business Information Technology graduate. What Mart didn’t expect at this early stage was to have such direct contact with customers. For him, this is proof of Previse’s hands-on learning environment. Currently, Mart is deeply involved in the development of the roadmap tool. “Clients can vote for features and collaborate with us to ensure a customer-driven focus for the development of Coral. It’s one of my favorite projects so far!” Beyond his involvement in product management, Mart’s thirst for adventure led him to join the Previse Night Run during the annual offsite week in the mountains of Valais. He sees this as clear evidence of Previse’s dynamic and collaborative spirit.

Linda, who is studying Business Administration in St. Gallen, adds a spark of marketing magic to Previse. At the start of her internship, which she began during an exchange in Lisbon, she dived into tasks ranging from helping with the App store-setup to crafting the “Energy Trading Club” platform. Finding herself among 25’000 participants at E-World, one of the largest energy fairs, was a memorable highlight. Yet Linda says, for her it’s the warm welcome at the summer party – floating down the river on a plastic pineapple – that perfectly demonstrates the blend of fun and professionalism at Previse.

Then there is Mariia, who comes from the field of computer science at ETH. She shared that before her time at Previse, the thought of contributing to the development of new APIs was beyond her wildest dreams. But here she is, mixing AI and data management with creative brainstorming sessions. Her favorite moment? Designing Previse-themed Halloween costumes with Florence. Imagine the possibilities – a human-sized interactive dashboard anyone?

Elina, who studies electrical engineering and IT at ETH Zurich, expressed that at Previse, she found the perfect opportunity to fulfill her aspiration of merging business with technology. Not only has she been grateful to learn a great deal about product ownership, but to work in an environment of understanding, collaboration, and relentless forward thinking on a daily basis.

Between API brainstorming, transforming product ownership, customer meetings, and unforgettable social events, it’s clear that Previse isn’t just about work. It’s about creating a space where young talents like Mariia, Elina, Mart, and Linda can thrive, bringing their unique backgrounds and skills to the forefront.

Previse Coral’s new Quantity Index Management

Introducing Previse Coral’s new Quantity Index Management

The Drag of Slow Trade Handling due to Quantity Uploads …

In the past, addressing the integration of trades and quantities was a challenge, often resembling a complex puzzle.

Now envision a future where trade and quantity management operate seamlessly, thus allowing for a more efficient and streamlined process:

Introducing Previse Coral’s new Quantity Index Management

The usability of pre-uploading your indices or shapes is now better than ever. The simplicity of referencing them on the trade allows the associated components to retrieve the quantity information directly and easily. Central to this evolution is an independent, upgraded object within the system, simplifying the storage of quantity time series data across diverse granularities.

The true innovation lies in the seamless linking of different indexes with different granularities. This not only reduces storage requirements but also enhances trading performance.

When customers request data, it can be provided at the granularity they prefer, offering flexibility in data presentation.

Data visualization takes centre stage. Detailed charts provide a intuitive overview of plans, forecasts, and actual production. Custom formulas give you the flexibility to customise your data as needed. Operations such as the addition of curves, multiplication by a fixed value or other calculations are made easy.

Quantity Index functionality has also been improved for the integration of end-of-day and real-time position reporting. Here, users can see both position-related quantities as well as standalone quantity index shapes. So, that means if there are changes in any of the quantity index shapes or formulas related to these shapes, reporting will show that.

Previse Coral’s Quantity Index is more than a mere functional enhancement: it’s a transformative tool that untangles complexities and inefficiencies. If you operate in the power and natural gas sector, you may come to see it as a game-changer.